Wednesday, January 9

WOW - WORD OF the WEEK #1 Tsundoku

Word collector should have been my 'middle name' - as in Freddy-The Word Collector-Iryss. If you are into words, too, then join me on my weekly hunt for the WORD OF THE WEEK, which I will post on my blog, starting today!

Word's out on Wednesdays. Feel free to comment or send me YOUR word!


Tsundoku (Japanese積ん読) - is acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them

I first read about Tsundoku here, in an article by Katherine Brooksin the Huffington Post, where she writes that 'book hoarding is a well documented habit.' It certainly is one of mine. 
...Here is one pile...
I'm excited that there is a word for something I constantly feel bad about - my unread stacks of books! 

...and there's another!
Here is a snapshot of my own, private Tsundoku -- books I have bought over the past five years or more (not even including the ones from last year, 2018, which are on my 'current' books-to-read-list!).

The word Tsundoku and the fact that it does exist - for rather sad reasons, no matter how you look at it - inspired me to sort the books into two new 

piles, thinking it would encourage me to dust them off and start reading. 

And believe it or not - it works! 

So far, I have managed to read four in the pile on the right and one and a half books in the one above. 

My new rule is read 50 pages into the story, then decide if I'm IN or OUT. 

(Sorry, dear authors, if this seems tough love, but this way I get quicker to the books that hook me and which I might review on my blog.)

As mentioned in a previous post, a friend told me if I'm not hooked after 50 pages, I can put it aside or give it away - guilt-free!

So, the plan is, one way or another, I will work my way through them over the coming year. 

*Please, dear authors, in case you come across this and see your name/book in the pile, it's not your book, it's me! Sometimes I buy books in life's-too-busy-for-reading periods and then they just pile up!

>>Do you keep books for years on your book shelf, hoping one day you'll read them? How do you deal with Tsundoku?<<


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